Axminster Chuck Jaws Comparison
Axminster Chuck Jaws
Axminster Woodturning
Axminster has a huge range of Jaw Sets to choose from. They are bolted onto the Accessory Mounting Jaws. As the bolt hole spacings are identical, all jaws are interchangeable (although it is recommended to choose jaws to match the size of the chuck). All dimensions of Axminster Chuck Jaws can be found in our product descriptions in both millimeters and inches.
Large selection of Jaw Sets
Dovetail Jaws:
- Dovetail Jaws Type A
- 50mm O'Donnell Dovetail Jaws
- 38mm O'Donnell Dovetail Jaws
- 25mm O'Donnell Dovetail Jaws
- Dovetail Jaws Type A for the SK88 Chuck
- Dovetail Jaws Type A for the GK88 Chuck
- Dovetail Jaws Type A Plus
- Dovetail Jaws Type B
- Dovetail Jaws Type C for the SK100 Chuck
- Dovetail Jaws Type C for the SK114 Chuck
- Dovetail Jaws Type C for the SK80 Chuck
- Dovetail Jaws Type C for the GK88 Chuck
- Dovetail Jaws Type D
- Dovetail Jaws Type D for the SK80 Chuck
- Dovetail Jaws Type D for the SK88 Chuck
- Dovetail Jaws Type E for the SK88 Chuck
- Dovetail Jaws Type E for the SK88 Discovery Chuck
- Dovetail Jaws Type F
- Dovetail Jaws Type M
- O'Donnell Dovetail Jaws for the SK80 Chuck
- O’Donnell Dovetail Jaws for the SK88 Chuck
- O'Donnell Dovetail Jaws for the GK88 Chuck
- O'Donnell Dovetail Jaws, 3-in-1 Set
Cole (Jumbo) Jaws:
Find the perfect Jaw Set for your project!
Dovetail Jaws
Dovetail jaws are by far the most secure and most accurate method of holding bowls, platters, plates, vases, goblets and more on the lathe during turning.
Dovetail Jaws Type A and Type A Plus are possibly as close as you can get to a general purpose jaw set. Dovetail Jaws Type B are perfect for small bowls and vases and will cover many of a turner’s requirements. Dovetail Jaws Type C are a standard on all Axminster Chucks and are one of the most versatile and popular jaw sets. The Type C Jaws are especially useful for small bowls and end grain work such as boxes and goblets. Dovetail Jaws Type D and Type F are small work-holding jaws and have a dovetail outer rim to expand into a recess and a plain bore gripping onto a spigot. Dovetail Jaws Type M are one of the largest available for the Axminster chucks. These are the jaws to choose for turning large platters and bowls from hefty blanks.
Compare Dovetail Jaw Dimensions
- Type A
- SK88 Type A
- Type A Plus
- Type B
- SK80 Type C
- SK100 Type C
- SK114 Type C
- Type D
- Type F
- Type M
- Type A
- SK88 Type A
- Type A Plus
- Type B
- SK80 Type C
- SK100 Type C
- SK114 Type C
- Type D
- Type F
- Type M
- GK88 Type A
- SK88 Type E
- GK88 Type A
- SK88 Type E
O'Donnell Jaws
O’Donnell Jaws are designed to give access around the jaws for close-in tool work. With a deep recess for holding long spigots and giving rock solid mounting when turning a long way from the headstock without tailstock support. The jaws are also dovetailed both inside and outside on the lip.
Compare O'Donnell Jaw Dimensions
- SK80 O'Donnell
- SK88 O'Donnell
- 25mm O'Donnell
- 38mm O'Donnell
- 50mm O'Donnell
- GK88 O'Donnell
- SK80 O'Donnell
- SK88 O'Donnell
- 25mm O'Donnell
- 38mm O'Donnell
- 50mm O'Donnell
- GK88 O'Donnell
Gripper Jaws
Gripper Jaws are a great choice for large hollow forms, bowls and platters.
The Colossus Gripper Jaws offer greatly increased work holding capacity for turning where size matters and projects include very large hollow forms and big bowls and platters. The Deep Grip Jaws has a series of ridges giving the jaw immense holding power. These jaws are an excellent choice for hollow forms or turning unseasoned timber. The Gripper Jaws Type BF offer the same power as their larger cousins but for smaller diameters. The deep internal serrated grip gives unrivalled gripping power on spigots. The Gripper Jaws Type G are specially designed to give a truly powerful grip, particularly on large diameter parallel pieces. Type G Jaws have a large external dovetail and a serrated inner jaw surface. The Type H Gripper Jaws offer a good grip range for medium to large timber blanks. This design ensures a truly powerful grip on end grain and in green timber. The Hollow Form Jaws are a secure solution providing tremendous grip for hollow form turning. The ribbed internal faces are deep to hold a large workpiece in a solid vice like grip, allowing tuning to proceed with confidence.
Compare Gripper Jaw Dimensions
- Colossus Gripper
- Deep Grip
- Gripper Type BF
- Gripper Type H
- SK80 Gripper Type H
- SK88 Deep Grip
- SK88 GripperType H
- GK88 Deep Grip
- GK88 Gripper Type H
- Colossus Gripper
- Deep Grip
- Gripper Type BF
- Gripper Type H
- Sk80 Gripper Type H
- SK88 Deep Grip
- SK88 GripperType H
- GK88 Deep Grip
- GK88 Gripper Type H
Button Jaws
The Button Jaws are named after the eight conical white rubber buttons used to grip the work and pull it securely back against the aluminum jaw plates. The arrangement offers a method of reverse chucking and holding a previously turned piece firmly but gently. Although the rubber buttons are easy on wood, they are not suitable for bowls with a very fine edge. In addition to the tapped holes there is a slot in each of the jaws, which allows the positioning of the buttons to accommodate irregular pieces. As an alternative to using the buttons, stacking turn studs are available as an optional extra. They form an excellent primary holding method for all manner of round or square blanks and give a very secure grip.
Specialty Jaws
A variety of specialist jaws for pen turning, oddly shaped timber turning, and more including: The Pen Jaws can accommodate either round or square blanks. The internal profile ensures a secure grip even if the pen blank is not quite square. Using the Pen Jaws you can drill blanks with confidence, knowing the result will be accurate and centred every time. The Expanding Pin Jaws offer a secure method of mounting logs, burls and other odd shaped pieces of timber, which defy other workholding options. The Cylinder Jaws agre great when turning long and thin projects. It's a great advantage to be able to grip a blank along a substantial amount of its length to impart a good measure of stability to the workpiece.
Compare Specialty Jaw Dimensions
- 25mm Cylinder Jaws
- Pin Jaws
- Pen Jaws
- SK88 Pen Jaws
- GK88 Pen Jaws
- 25mm Cylinder Jaws
- Pin Jaws
- Pen Jaws
- SK88 Pen Jaws
- GK88 Pen Jaws
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